Affective Domain, Aggregation Bias, and Alpha

Affective domain: In the classification of educational objectives, those objectives concerned with attitudes, interests and values are said to involve 'affect' or emotion and feelings and are considered to lie in the affective domain in contrast to the *cognitive or *psychomotor domains.

Aggregation bias: The combining of students within classrooms or schools in the analysis of data commonly gives rise to inflated estimates of effect when the data are analysed at the group rather than the individual level. Unbiased estimates of effect are only obtained through procedures of *multilevel analysis. Failure to allow for aggregation bias and the effects of data aggregation are the most frequent sources of error in statistical analysis in educational research.

Alpha (a) (1) See * coefficient alpha. (2) An alpha level involves the *probability of rejecting a *null hypothesis when in fact it is true.

Compiled by
John P. Keeves


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